These are great quality waterproof bags that don’t leak, leach colour, fall apart at seams or zips and definitely don’t delaminate with frequent use over time. I highly recommend these. You may find the colours and patterns found on some online marketplaces more attractive at a significantly cheaper price, but speaking years of use of each I have to say one of these will outlast the several of those you think will still save you dollars because they are cheaper to replace. Think again. And nothing is worse than getting your gear home to find the bag has leaked or delaminated at the worst possible time (usually the messiest). I’ve since found a benefit of the black is actually the most discreet, particularly for children outgrowing the early childhood stage or for adults. I’ve used both bag sizes. The benefit of the larger one is it’s a total closure with zip, the smaller is a drawstring tie which may not be suitable for kids or fully enclosing those items that require more hygienic handling if they’re overstuffed, not fully drawn closed, shoved in bags upside down, or offensive odour is a concern. The smaller ones are great for dividing your fresh changes up and then placing in the larger bag when refilled with soiled items. I’d love a smaller bag in a zip actually!